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 img  Battle undecided: Who owns the truth?

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Knowing the future
... and learning from history.
"Future..." =avail. (German; soon also Engl.)
     ▲ KCC-FUTAT 10€=$ PDF_A4 +12moths

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Your donation motivates the author to add more out of the hundreds of topics that have been prepared. Automatic update service for all purchasers for at least 12 months.

politics / future
Below are text examples from "Teach yourself Econmics". (All is also in "VOX7 - Handbook of Optimal Government.".)
 img  Little planning flaw?
Little planning flaw?
Shaping the future.
To demand forward-looking policy from politicians is citizen duty.
Knowledge for this is provided by the e-book "Optimal Government". Here some excerpts:

Politics: Being fit for the future
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  Subsidies - only for lobby owners?
Subsidies - only for lobby owners?

» Secret sense of subsidy bureaucracy? Lobbies corrupt access to "money falling from the sky"? How might fair competition work für finding the really best recipients?
» subsidies: regulation
(MC:) VUE-FINA-EN        DE

» subsidies: regulation
(MC:) VUE-FINA-EN        DE

» Dreams or disasters? - Past visions of the future were almost always wrong? At least those that were most believed in because they were particularly spectacular. After the technology push for the instruments of mass killing of the Second World War, the market of technology utopias flourished. Then came the time of utopist anti-utopias. Both sides erred the more they excited the masses. The history of the "Club of Rome" is extreme example of the failure of disaster utopianism. - Here are many examples of failed long-term forecasts. Lessons for current euphorism and catastrophism.
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) ECK-HIST-EN

» In countries where the burden of taxes and levies is far too high: is it enough to halve them or has more to be removed? Read the analysis!
» tolerable taxation level
(MC:) VEB-FISK-EN        DE

 img  the wolf in us - we feel strong in a group
the wolf in us - we feel strong in a group
» Why are most collective public lists of claims so embarrassing, superfluous and inglorious to signatories? That is often: Many scientists or companies or politicians or associations for a better world sign a common list of claims: Declarations, open letters, memoranda, doom scenarios etc.. Here is the abstract analysis, why this is mostly a wrong logic. Furthermore the criteria, which rare forms of it are exceptionally meaningful.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) VBW-LISTS-EN

» Europe Experts Science PLIST
(MC:) VAKV-EXPCONST-EN          EN    

 img  Departure into the future.
Departure into the future.

» Europe is now old, tired, anxious and complacent? Dynamism makes suspicious? - Innovation and future technologies are the only chance to solve the earth's major problems - climate, environmental protection, overpopulation. Progress is never possible without some destruction. - Read solutions here!
» new dynamics
(MC:) VES-DYNA-EN        DE

» trauma / nations
(MC:) VAY-TRAU-EN        DE

» _Menu_: Business creation
(MC:) SPA-MENU-EN          EN          DE      FR

 img  Determined to win.
Determined to win.

» Self-employed, freelancers: 70 percent of citizens want to become self-employed, only about 10 percent make it. The 10 most important recommendations, so that nearly everyone can master it: Against bureaucracy, liability, insolvency, starting money lack and... and... Read it yourself!
» small businesses
(MC:) VES-LIBE-EN        DE

» The spatial order of state and economy: Regions with different wealth require differing legal regulations. Most politicians want to order: "Equalize everything." This proves occasionally underdeveloped political intelligence. The 5 most important areas for differentiation:
» regional differences
(MC:) VES-REGN-EN        DE

» minimum wage: rules
(MC:) VEW-MINI-EN        !DE!

 img  Europe includes? Where exactly does the circle close?
Europe includes? Where exactly does the circle close?
» (1) Which is Europe's largest country? (2) Which is Europe's largest city? - (3) Which fonts are simply writing variants of Western European letter fonts - Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Chinese? --- Yes, you knew it: (1) European part of Russia. - (2) Moscow 12 million inhabitants. - (3) Only Russian (and halfway still Arabic, only very limited Japanese). - For your discussion: The most important 10 approaches of the future in the context "Russia".
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) VVERU-PAXAT-EN

A work of art in Europe's largest city: "Mirror of infinity." (Moscow metro station.)

Automation and intelligence
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  Burning fear? Competition for my head?
Burning fear? Competition for my head?
» Artificial intelligence and other super topics for particularly far-sighted politicians, philosophers, essayists and other circles, most of which are without a sound knowledge of IT technology. Computer science systems have been getting more and more intelligent since 1945 until today. They are increasingly replacing their former only artificial intelligence with the successful mastering of functions of natural intelligence. Any sudden change to monsters of artificial intelligence, which will fearfully dominate mankind, is not recognizable. Here is a summary: The 5 most important coming changes and risks and the 5 most important limits of "artificial intelligence":
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) KKK-KULIM-EN

 img  Private preferences - so what?
Private preferences - so what?
» Does a person lose the right to privacy? The right to one's own image has effectively expired. Next comes the right to one's own thinking? State-approved central compulsory databases for all citizens on health, housing and work, family, genes? Which rest remains? Which innovations could reduce control again?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) UDW-EXIT-EN

» privacy protection
(MC:) VWU-PRIV-EN        DE

 img  How much genetics of a herd of monkeys is there in humans?
How much genetics of a herd of monkeys is there in humans?
» The monopolies of social networks have replaced the free Internet. Are there ways back to freedom? The private, profit-oriented social networks are occupying what the free public Internet did until about 2005: Citizens communicate via their own private websites, via their own "homepages". What logic led to the extinction of freedom? With what legal leverage effects can governments restore the return to freedom of the first years of the Internet? - a) The 10 most important necessary regulations. - b) The 10 most important working tools for private websites for everyone.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) PWS-MONOP-EN

» privacy protection
(MC:) VWU-PRIV-EN        DE

 img  exercise legal rights
exercise legal rights
» Does the new century need new legal forms for right holders? Roman Law: Property and Ownership (movable property, real estate, once also slaves). Securities since about 1400. Copyrights since about 1800. International patents since about 1900. - And now? "Facebook etc." must pay all users a data rent? A stock exchange for new cooperative home ownership rights allows change to a new job locality? Right by birth to 1 governmental startup credit for non-heirs?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) PPU-FUTU-EN

 img  My raw materials are mine!
My raw materials are mine!
» Who is the owner of raw materials with a recycling obligation? Today: Is the returnable bottle or car battery the property of the factory or the consumer? In the future, when recycling will be required by law for almost everything: Who is the owner? Who is entitled to profits in the face of rising commodity prices?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TRU-POSS-EN

» Almost complete prevention of accidents? Survey of currently pursued approaches, probabilities and costs. For road traffic, railways, infrastructure buildings, residential buildings, commercial buildings. - Photo: Role reversal. Accident protection of mothers.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) BWY-PRIV-EN

In the future: Living longer?
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» NATUROSSA 100 years
(MC:) YAA-CENTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  perfectly optimize your lifestyle
perfectly optimize your lifestyle
» The most important lifestyle rules to live about 10 to 30 years longer. This is consistent with the recommendations of holistically oriented scientific medicine, biology and psychology. It is an overview of the most important rules for nutrition, exercise and balance. It differs from the most common recommendations: Because this is not marketing for something that generates money.
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) YFB-20PLUS-EN

 img  Introduction to the art of ruining your body
Introduction to the art of ruining your body
» The most important lifestyle rules to live about 10 to 30 years shorter. Tobacco and other drugs; excess alcohol, sugar and fat; full-time television; use a mobile phone while driving; swallow unnecessarily prescribed pills; allow avoidable surgery. For these and other great achievements of disguised suicide, here is a calculation table of the respective successful reduction in life expectancy:
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) YFB-20MINUS-EN

 img  Meerkat: long-living - around 13 years
Meerkat: long-living - around 13 years
» How long do animals live? Most live much shorter than humans, some live similarly long. Longer live for example some species of sharks, whales and turtles. And which creatures can live a thousand years? And which animals do not die of cancer and Alzheimer's disease and what protects them? - Here the overview with some surprises:
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) YFB-ANIDUR-EN

» Role models for your future? Active pseudo-seniors between 90 and 122 years of age. About 20 examples of people without normal aging from calendar age 90 on. Active artists, scientists, political thinkers and people with a philosophy of life have no age. Abstract thinking ability can grow instead of declining. - To all examples a few lines about the respective reasons to age less.
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) YFW-IMITA-EN

 img  Who carries the most burdens in life, man or woman?
Who carries the most burdens in life, man or woman?
» Why do women live longer than men? Genetic and hormonal differences? Or because men pay less attention to their health? - The answer exists and is right here:
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) YFW-FEMA-EN

Is ageing preventable?
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» NATUROSSA 100 years
(MC:) YAA-CENTA-EN          !EN!          DE

» What happens as we age? Can it be delayed medically or genetically? Can it be prevented completely? Can cloning include thought, knowledge and identity? Answers to all these questions:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) YFT-CAUGEN-EN

 img  Everybody's gonna be Frankenstein?
Everybody's gonna be Frankenstein?
» Eternal life for people, is that possible? Probably it can only be virtual and approximate. After all, could it go that far? An overview of different approaches. With evaluation, which of them is realistic or which of them is religion and which of them is only superstition or spinning. There are also questions that cannot even be answered approximately: Depending on the variant, for example, ethics, reproduction rights, cumulative overpopulation.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) YFT-ETERN-EN

the future of labour
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE
 img  Can a robot do that?
Can a robot do that?

» World record. Unemployment statistics is the most falsified statistic in the world: Here is the concentrated overview of the most important techniques of truth suppression practiced worldwide. Those who know all this know more about unemployment than most journalists and politicians in the country. Namely:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) KCY-UNEMP-EN

» How much real annoying work will there be in the future? Work in the proper sense, as it was in Europe or North America around 1900, has already dropped 70 percent or more. Can all annoying work be done away with in the future? Will there only be work that is interesting at the same time? Will robots even be able to repair cars and heating in homes and remove appendicitis in hospitals? - These are questions without answers? Here are the 10 decisive answers:
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) SWT-APRODUC-EN

 img  Those pilots: Labor or hobby?
Those pilots: Labor or hobby?
» In the long run will human labor be always a hobby at the same time? Statistical evidence for this trend. Will it apply to 100 percent of labor in the long run or only to perhaps 30 percent of jobs? - Absurd? But already now, scientists are paying to publish their findings... - Analysis help for your discussion:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) SWW-HOBBY-EN

 img  Working? I'm not stupid!
Working? I'm not stupid!
» Only 35 years of earning money at work, but living on the money of others' work for 55 years? Once in the past inversely, 45 years of work, 30 years financed by others. The 10 basic changes are statistically proven why this is the trend. Analysis of the 10 reasons why this would lead to unsolvable problems. The 10 tasks of reorganisation that could solve all problems.
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) SWE-PENSAGE-EN

» pensions, retirement
(MC:) VEV-PENS-EN        DE

 img  Work creates money. Non-work creates happiness.
Work creates money. Non-work creates happiness.
» Is a new caste society developing? Are at present 2 upper castes emerging? Well-paid owners of comfortable work with much or very much wealth and enough assets? Owners of comfortable work with much or very much wealth and enough assets emerging? And a hard-working caste with precarious incomes and hostile laws because without a lobby? Is this exploitation or "unfortunately unalterable force majeure"? - Are upper caste nations emerging worldwide, which profit from the precarious low wages of states with demographic growth through imported goods? - 20 most important answers of analysis for all these questions:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) VAW-CASTES-EN

» how to reduce poverty
(MC:) VEY-POVE-EN        DE

» minimum wage: rules
(MC:) VEW-MINI-EN        !DE!

» "More work, prosperity, money and wealth are possible through less protection against dismissal, less co-determination." - Is that true or false? Or "it depends on---"?
» labor / regulation: limits
(MC:) VEW-AGIS-EN        DE

» minimum wage: rules
(MC:) VEW-MINI-EN        !DE!

» pensions, retirement
(MC:) VEV-PENS-EN        DE

Elites: Reasons and limits
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  Illusion and reality
Illusion and reality
» Family, school, job, study... Production sites of lifelong inequality... Changeable? Is that the way it should be? Or quite bad? The 10 most important causes of the absolute inescapable limits of justice for our human life.
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) VEW-EGAL-EN

 img  overcome the hurdles of the future
overcome the hurdles of the future
» What kind of education and thinking analysis does the future need? What should be the focus of lifelong learning for children and adults? - Is learning of history o.k.? Sociology o.k.? Is psychology o.k.? Political science o.k.? Understand the functioning of the economy? Understand the legal system? Understand constitutional law? Be able to program software? Should literature and art shrink? Is philosophy now antiquated because it has been replaced by the more specific sciences? - Analysis of arguments for your search for your own answers:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) KKA-FUTUR-EN

 img  conscientious elites
conscientious elites
» Elites - must they be? - Can a government work well without interaction of conflicting elites? Should selection in education select elitist according to performance? Or should anti-elitist education align the level with the weakest learners? Can and should moral values also be measured and should they have a say in school and university? Can elites steer a democracy without a collectively anchored value system of fundamental rights?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) KKV-ELIT-EN

 img  1 head - 1000 visionary ideas
1 head - 1000 visionary ideas
» Is "philosophy" still important or is it an anachronism? Especially in the French-speaking culture there are "the intellectual" as admired supreme interpreters of human society. In other languages, academic sociologists and philosophers are in this role. For feuilleton journalism they are all helpful in filling pages. But how useful is the "universal wise man" really in the age of thousands of specialized sciences? 10 most important answers:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) KKK-SOPH-EN

 img  Eternal longing for heavenly harmony?
Eternal longing for heavenly harmony?
» Is the expanding ordering of noble behavior the emergence of a new religion? Critics occasionally claim: "The natural sciences and the Internet revolution have largely overturned the foundations of religions to date. There is, however, a human genetically conditioned primordial need for collective group submission to the spiritual rule of the absolute good. We are in the midst of the development of a pseudo-secular new religion, that of the noble man: In accord with the eternity of one's own being and universe are those who follow all recommendations for measures of world salvation and noble conduct." - Is this true? - All about 20 major aspects are analyzed, objectively and completely neutrally, to provide a basis for your discussion.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) JUV-REGN-EN

 img  Waiting for funding
would be useful for the rapid expansion of this platform:   ok @ infos7.com
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Purpose? - International knowledge platform:
(1) Authors : External experts: 1000++ topics.
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(3) Forum: Debates on all 1000++ topics.
- Moderation totally automated: quality, legality.
(4) Videos + Podcasts: Most important topics presented for lifelong learning - school, university, career and later.
Alternative: The users finance the build-up. - Many thanks! It minimally covers at present what is needed for slow development. Many thanks!

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Innovation + Technology
1 000 innovative opportunities are waiting for entrepreneurs and investors (and for politicians and journalists)
This new platform is currently being created for this purpose. Mastering the future thanks to innovation needs supporters. It already has enough enemies.

Future: Goods transport.
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  Laser-
Laser- "pneumatic tube"
» Pneumatic tube systems for goods transport: Which variants are conceivable? Decentralised self-control? Node centres? Automatic networking with containers and pallets? With trucks, trains, delivery vehicles? Subsidies for pilot projects? Sabotage protection?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) BTB-PNEUM-EN

» To what extent could goods transport be replaced by 3D printing? glass fiber as a pneumatic tube alternative? - Eligible goods. Necessary standardizations. Necessary typing of raw materials. Estimation of costs and profitability. Already existing successful such applications, already profitable, and existing experience.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TKP-3DPR-EN

» Feasibility studies: Coupling existing transport routes (roads and railway lines) with alternative automatic transport systems? Automated track vehicles with threading between train traffic? Motorway side lanes with underground control network?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) BTR-ADDT-EN

Future: Traffic
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  Dream car for climate protectors
Dream car for climate protectors
» Traffic networks - how does it work? Roads, motorways, intersections, public transport: there is a plan behind everything. This can be modelled with mathematics. Unfortunately it is very complex. Fortunately, it is still quite easy to understand. Namely:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) BWR-NETW-EN

» Buses for public transport: Which system is optimal? Rational ideology-free analysis of the advantages and disadvantages and comparison of costs: Diesel buses? Or with natural gas? Electric buses with battery? Electric with overhead contact line? Combination electric and diesel? Fast charging at bus stops? Hydrogen buses?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) BPW-BUSS-EN

» real estate:

 img  Battle undecided: Who owns the City?
Battle undecided: Who owns the City?
» Electric air taxis (helicopter concept): Potentials and limitations. Alternatives? To what extent can they be useful in the long run? What are the limits of their use? Would "air transport by cable car" be the more promising alternative?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) BWF-ATAX-EN

» The 10 reasons why car sharing does not succeed. Example Germany: Journalists in the media have been celebrating the end of individual cars of stupid people for years thanks to car sharing by modern smart people. But car sharing doesn't really work. In the same years, the number of private cars even rose by 20 percent. Here is the rational analysis that makes everything crystal clear:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) BWW-CARSH-EN
 img  bicycle of noble wood for noble people
bicycle of noble wood for noble people

» If most students and journalists received enough money for a car including insurance: Would they still argue that bicycles should be privileged instead of cars? We do not provide answers to this vicious question, but only analysis tools for your discussion. Example: Could university lectures be held in drive-in cinemas in pandemic times?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) BWW-DONA-EN

 img  That's the solution: Death penalty for motorists! :)
That's the solution: Death penalty for motorists! :)
» The 10 reasons why the future may belong to the individual car, but tomorrow's, not today's. The rational reasons are listed. - And some side questions: Is it true that electric cars do more harm to the climate than gasoline vehicles? Is it true that various measures against cars increase their number and air pollution? Vehicle tax: Weight factor? Special tax from 130km? From 20 000 km / year?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) BWW-INDV-EN

» Abrasion of tires, brakes and road surface. The facts about quantity and harmfulness. Overview of technologies and emerging innovations to significantly reduce harmfulness.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) BWW-PART-EN

 img  human sin: to love cars
human sin: to love cars
Climate and Energy: Car Future?
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE
 img  manorial electric car 1906 with 2 chauffeurs (manufacturer Krieger)
manorial electric car 1906 with 2 chauffeurs (manufacturer Krieger)

» Is it true that e-cars benefit the climate? Or quite the opposite? - Paradox!
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) BWW-EAUT-EN

» Maximum speed 30 instead of 50 km: Does air pollution and noise pollution decrease? Or even increase?
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) BWE-TEMP3-EN

»  und7.org/de/civicrm/petition/sign?sid=2 Sind Diesel- Fahrverbote überflüssig? Dieser Petitionstext liefert die Antwort. und7.org/de/civicrm/petition/sign?sid=2

» real estate:

sustainable planet, waste, recycling, plastics
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  Saving the Earth's ice?
Saving the Earth's ice?
» Environmental protection without climate catastrophe hype: With what sum of realistically conceivable innovations and technologies would there be any prospect of preserving or slightly improving the current state of the earth? Which international agreements would be the prerequisite for this?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TER-CMCAT-EN

» Climate future: Funding truth analysis
(MC:) TER-CLIMF-EN          !EN!    

 img  polluting the environment generates money
polluting the environment generates money
» How would universal sustainability taxation work? - Instead of income tax: Could all consumer goods and services be made more expensive by the hidden "cost of the planet's sustainability loss"? Are sensible calculation methods conceivable? How could estimate rules simplify calculation? Which collection techniques are conceivable? What happens to the money? What damage is irreversible? How can burden and money preservation be distributed between nations and continents?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TEA-TAXE-EN

"I do not have a clue where my head's at"
» Plastics are beneficial. But problems? - Concise overview of the most important current solutions. Future innovations at the stage of research and pilot projects and start-ups. Also solutions of partial problems already available on the market. Plastics are indispensable for achieving the prosperity of the world's population. Innovation will solve the problems. Political hysteria solves absolutely nothing.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TEY-PCDIF-EN

 img  We don't wear bearskin anymore, but other than that?
We don't wear bearskin anymore, but other than that?
» Are leather clothes and fur coats more ecologically and ethically correct than plastic? This is limited to animals that were slaughtered to eat them anyway. The use as leather and fur of these animals is ecologically sustainable and close to nature. So what is good for shoes and belts, is it good for clothes? - The most important aspects for discussion about this are provided neutrally:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TEY-PCAN-EN

» Current state: Which plastics made from renewable raw materials have already become reasonably competitive? Which technologies make recycling and ageing adaptable to the application? Why are plastic bans never going to solve the problems? More generally, how can biological processes and abundant raw materials replace raw materials that are limited in quantity? Or how can such processes mitigate the environmental damage caused by raw materials?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TEY-PCYC-EN

 img  anno 3000: SUV car on the rubbish dumped earth
anno 3000: SUV car on the rubbish dumped earth
» How can a fully automatic waste disposal system be created? Is it possible to return to waste disposal in the kitchen? Which waste separation systems could theoretically recycle 100% of this waste? Which technologies are already available? Why is artificial intelligence too stupid for that? What are the technical limits of the application? What are the cost limits?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TEY-AUTWA-EN

Future: Housing, property, renting
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

"man is the measure of all things"
» Man must again become the measure of architecture and urban planning. Animal welfare is good. But human welfare, too? How can new neighborhoods in our cities become humane again? What are the basic rules of humane housing construction? What kind of urban planning creates "pig farms for humans"? Which urban planning is humane? - Yes, there are answers! Namely:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) RTM-ADAPT-EN

 img  building land sharing for own homes
building land sharing for own homes
» What are the technical and economic limits for the maximum height of high-rise buildings? ("Skyscrapers") Risk, return, costs, statics. Why was a height of up to 1 or 2 kilometres possible, but for example in Germany a maximum of 200 metres? To what extent are the height specifications "somehow falsified"?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) RTT-MAXTUD-EN

» Where are the technical and economic possibilities and limits for automated housing construction? Where are the limits for modular construction and standardisation? Would it be possible to fly in prefabricated house modules? If at some point the earth's sand suitable for concrete no longer suffices, how would this change building structures?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TRC-CONSAU-EN

 img  House painting for free and no chemicals?
House painting for free and no chemicals?

» How to balance the conflict between health on the one hand and energy saving in housing on the other? What would be ideal building materials and constructions for ceilings and walls in residential construction?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) RTT-ENERG-EN

 img  Mobile homes? No problem! (Taiwan)
Mobile homes? No problem! (Taiwan)
» Movable modular homes? When you move, you would no longer have to sell and buy your home, but could take it with you? The building land "to rent instead of buying it"? (Possible thanks to leasehold provision by municipalities?) - How is this technically feasible? What are the costs? How can this be cost-effective? What are the necessary legal bases and building land reserves?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) RTB-HOMMOB-EN

 img  Right of family residence instead of property? (Toda - in India)
Right of family residence instead of property? (Toda - in India)
» What completely new forms of flexible ownership rights to housing could reconcile the mobility needed today, and even more so in the future, with old-age provision through home ownership? Does the ancient Roman law of either property or possession suffice for the future world? The 5 best conceivable extensions in comparison:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) REU-CHAMEL-EN

the absolute limits of innovation
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE
 img  limits for humans
limits for humans

» Are there absolute limits for automation, robots, intelligence functions? An overview of important discussed possibilities of absolute limitation. It is about the remaining role of humans in the long run.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TTA-LIMIT-EN

 img  How can prosperity be achieved for all?
How can prosperity be achieved for all?
» World population, prosperity, land requirements: The almost unsolvable demographic question... What limits does the earth have depending on the number of people who will be living on the earth in the future? Which size of population in conurbations is optimal for the economy and quality of life? How many square meters of living space do people need and how much is still missing worldwide? Which forms of densification are ideal? (Number of floors, homes, forms of transport.)
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) VWR-DEMP-EN

 img  To how many children can the earth promise prosperity?
To how many children can the earth promise prosperity?
» Can the population density of the territorial states be a yardstick for demographic preferences? - 1100 people per square kilometer: Bangladesh. - 300 to 500: South Korea, Netherlands, India, Philippines, Japan. - 200 to 300: Vietnam, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Germany, Nigeria, North Korea, Switzerland, Italy. - 100 to 150: China, Indonesia, Thailand, France, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Turkey. - 30 to 100: Egypt, Spain, Morocco, Mexico, Bulgaria, South Africa, USA. - 15 to 25: Brazil, Argentina. - 3 to 8: Russia, Australia, Canada. - (Figures to be increased for countries with uninhabitable areas.) - The 10 most important approaches resulting from this distribution are as follows:...
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) VWR-DIST-EN

the future of cooperation among nations
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  We swear peaceful cooperation!
We swear peaceful cooperation!
» Shape overview of international cooperation. This is a simple general overview of important categories of shapes. Furthermore: How could the current gradual growing together to an earth civilization perhaps proceed with little conflict? - This is not an in-depth analysis. It is only a stimulus to reflect about.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) VAV-FORMAS-EN

 img  Network of the legistlation of earth civilization: The Keystones.
Network of the legistlation of earth civilization: The Keystones.
» Worldwide legal system: How much of this already exists? International law. Human rights. Freedom of the media, freedom of information. Martial law (yes, killing is here called "law"). Territorial law in the coastal strip. Exploitation law of raw materials in oceans. Prohibition of exploitation of Antarctic raw materials. Overflight rights. Citizenship, extradition, visa law. Investor protection. International tax treaties. International inheritance law. Recognition of marriage. Money laundering legislation. Recognition of foreign diplomas. - For this emerging worldwide legal order, the most important gaps and the most urgent construction tasks are presented:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) VAV-LEGAT-EN

 img  mastering diversity
mastering diversity
» Can the EU become a model of power distribution for future continental communities of states? Some specific framework conditions for the emergence of the EU are presented. In addition, to what extent are these similar or different on other continents? - This is not an in-depth analysis. It is only a stimulus to reflect about.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) VAV-ECONCEP-EN

 img  peaceful partnership
peaceful partnership
» How effectively is the "acquis of the EU" internationally transferable and adoptable? The "acquis of the EU" (_FR_ "acquis de l'Union européenne"; _DE_ "EU-Besitzstand"): This includes all legal acts which are binding on all EU Member States. The "acquis" must be adopted almost in its entirety by a state that joins the EU. - The adoption of a foreign legal order is nothing new from a historical point of view. - Can any country in the world adopt the "acquis of the EU"? Could this be useful in developing and emerging countries?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) VAV-ESTATUT-EN

 img  extinguishing aid for fiery discussions
extinguishing aid for fiery discussions
» Is the saying "Immigration kills" a forbidden hate speech? The decision of a German court is: This is not hate speech, because statistically verifiable fact for 5000 years. The decision of 2019 is not yet final. - We provide a neutral overview of all factual and legal aspects. - Facts: Like colonization etc.etc.. - The legal situation is similar for all modern constitutional states. There is no opinion stated. You will receive everything you need for your discussion. It is about the question: How should the surely coming merging to an earth civilization take place?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) WUV-MIGEXT-EN

» What forms of warfare will there be in the future? Detailed explanations of war promote the willingness to accept war as inevitable. But intensive warfare with today's technologies is inevitably mass murder. This is why we will only list here in keyword form what conceivable forms of the unthinkable are conceivable. For your discussion that none of this should be, this overview of the unthinkable scenarios will help:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) VVY-ARMAS-EN

Future: Species protection, evolution.
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Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  Unique. - Threatened?
Unique. - Threatened?
» Of all the problems of mankind, species protection is the greatest? The only current very rapid destruction of earthly wealth that will never be curable? Species protection in collision with protection of humans. How much world population is compatible with species protection? Species diversity Inventory and what is likely to disappear in 50 years. Consequences and risks.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TWC-SPECEND-EN

 img  according to a scientific study by Prof. Dr. Dr. Bio: Non-warm-blooded animal
according to a scientific study by Prof. Dr. Dr. Bio: Non-warm-blooded animal
» Warm-blooded, even-tempered animals: Why did evolution create that? Overview: Advantages, disadvantages. Evolutionary history as selective cause? Forms and transitions. Only animals or also plants? Would aliens also be warm-blooded? Why just below 40 degrees? Why does the skin tolerate more? Upper limits?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TWC-TEMPREG-EN

Future: Nature and humans, oceans, apocalypse.
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Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

» The future of the oceans: Complete science-based overview in plain language: The current trend: Vulnerability especially since about 2000. The main risks of overuse: Shipping, raw materials, underwater farms, waste, military aspects, territorial warfare, need for international agreements. - 20 suggestions on how citizens' actions and politicians can act:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TER-MARFUT-EN

 img  Superfluous?
» How long will the Earth's water last? Groundwater levels are falling in dry regions due to increasing use. Is the end approaching? Which beginning comes after the end? - What can happen in already sinking metropolitan areas? - What are the risks to groundwater from agriculture and medicines? Possibilities and limits of seawater desalination? What is the economic balance of water transport for agriculture and drinking water? How much energy is needed to solve water problems? Answers:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TER-WATMIN-EN

 img  No space for animals?
No space for animals?
» "Back to nature!" - This is unrealistic. It's an archetype of hopeless human wishful thinking for over two thousand years. Destruction of nature is the inevitable companion of all human civilization. The destruction is "somehow proportional" with: - (a) Number of world population. - (b) Worldwide average prosperity level. - (c) Reduction of destruction thanks to innovation and political intelligence. --- An irrational esoteric fundamentalism and fanaticism cannot save nature. - 10 most important rules according to (c) for as much as possible "nature":
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TRB-NATRET-EN

"aircraft extinguishes fire"
» The complicity of mankind in natural disasters. Consider, for example: Destruction of flood plains of rivers. Monoculture in forests. The question of whether many years of extinguishing small fires in forest areas and bush land promotes the accumulation of risks for extensive large fires. Soil erosion through numerous forms of intervention. Forest destruction. Large agricultural areas without separating by vegetated strips. Too perfect chemical destruction of plants and insects. An excess of water-impermeable surfaces in built-up areas. Lowering the groundwater level increases various risks. Sinking and flooding of areas near the sea due to excessive groundwater extraction. - Analysis of the truth degree of such risks :
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TYT-CATNAT-EN

» Energy: Funding truth analysis?
(MC:) TEE-TRUEB-EN          EN          DE      FR

» The archetype of the warning prophecy that is not believed: "Cassandra". This archetype is believed to have been incorporated into literature in all civilizations. This archetype also pervades global reality, for example in the prediction of crises and risks and catastrophes. The "Cassandra-Bonus" is a core element of the attraction of "heroic" movements against global undesirable trends. Examples: Climate catastrophe, species extinction, impact of demographic growth, pandemics.
» Archetype: Eradicate, destroy, annihilate a culture.
(MC:) KBA-AREXT-EN          !EN!    

» Climate future: Funding truth analysis
(MC:) TER-CLIMF-EN          !EN!    

 img  Only these few people who already live under water (original photo through submarine window), will survive the nuclear total world war?
Only these few people who already live under water (original photo through submarine window), will survive the nuclear total world war?
» "The end is nigh." ? Will everything soon come to an end? Small cultural history of the great prophecies of the end of mankind. The demise of human civilization has been an archetype for over 3,000 years - since the existence of state and religious order or disorder. - Here is the link to an archetype analysis:
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) TYT-FINAL-EN

» Archetype: Eradicate, destroy, annihilate a culture.
(MC:) KBA-AREXT-EN          !EN!    

» Real "collapsology" nowadays? Is it all going down? The end times and great catastrophe of mankind? Is the downfall of today's human civilization threatening? Will prosperity and industry and technology collapse? Is man even genetically and evolutionarily programmed by the unknown ruler of the universe to destroy the planet and himself? - For several hundred years, apocalyptic forecasting has been helpful to sell many books and lectures. Subsidies and donations then come in abundance. But is it true for the first time this time? - Here are the 20 most probable scenarios of what could happen to earth civilization in the next 200 years:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) KCC-COLLAPS-EN

» Archetype: Eradicate, destroy, annihilate a culture.
(MC:) KBA-AREXT-EN          !EN!    

» Climate future: Funding truth analysis
(MC:) TER-CLIMF-EN          !EN!    

Future: Agriculture, plants, animals
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  Superfluous?
» What are the limits to increasing agricultural production? Is global food production already stagnating? Is there soil degradation? Is biofuel a misdevelopment? Is insect mortality a sign of an upper limit? And how high is the energy demand? Underwater farms? To what extent does agriculture threaten the quantity and quality of groundwater? Allotment gardens for self-suppliers: advantages, disadvantages, possibilities, limits. - Answers:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TRS-PROMAX-EN

» Viruses are probably the main risk of modern agriculture. Is this the main risk of supplying the growing world population with food? Listed here: Examples of previous major mass virus epidemics for agricultural crops. Previous solutions are listed. Can conceivable future scenarios endanger the global food supply?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TES-VIRUS-EN

 img  30-year wars worldwide?
30-year wars worldwide?
» The problem of agricultural land creates the risk of wars and mass killings worldwide. Facts: Soil erosion is causing significant reductions in usable land worldwide. Chemicals affect the microbiom of soils. Have the possibilities for improvement in agriculture been exhausted? Is there a threat of decline? Meanwhile the number of people is growing. - Wars, revolutions and mass killings of people are usually correlated with previous periods of hunger. This is how starving people are and will remain. It is not too late to prevent it. 20 truths and answers:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TRR-TERDAM-EN
 img  You guessed it! Growing vegetables in flying airship farms.
You guessed it! Growing vegetables in flying airship farms.

» Agriculture in several floors: Possibilities, limits. problems are for example: Energy and water demand, lack of trace substances (nutrient substance or soil leaching). What are the realistic options for the near future? What could be profitable today? Also for city dwellers and homeowners? Can it feed the increase in the world's population? Answers:
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TRS-TERDUP-EN

 img  Superfluous?
» Statistics: What kills or diminishes how many birds a year in highly developed countries? Planning remedies requires facts about causes. Example: Estimates for Germany: Agriculture? Home gardens? The winter? Killing migratory birds during a stopover? Predatory birds? Small predators (cats and others)? Cars? Window panes? Wind turbines?
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TWY-AVESEX-EN

  Corona analysis for rational thinkers

 img  Corona analysis for rational thinkers   ► vox7.org/ccc
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Knowing the future
... and learning from history.
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 img  The owl knows the future. The stupid thing is, she doesn't tell.
The owl knows the future. The stupid thing is, she doesn't tell.
knowing the economic future
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

» The Professional Secret of Economic Forecasts: The cycle theory - 7 to 50 years? Why it's always true, provided you understand why it's sometimes not. Your door to the secret society of those who know the future?
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) KCC-SECR-EN

 img Crisis prevention? OK! (Escape and rescue plan in: Central Bank (Bundesbank), Berlin)
Crisis prevention? OK! (Escape and rescue plan in: Central Bank (Bundesbank), Berlin)

» Cycle of 7 years? Always true, even though the cursed reality is so cheeky not to stick to it sometimes. Understanding the incomprehensibility of the cycle of 7 years is quite simple, namely:....
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) VEY-CYC7A-EN

Cycle "40 years": Illusion or real?
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  Illusion or real?
Illusion or real?

» Is the cycle of 40...45 years an illusion or real? The historical verification? - Here is a long-term timeline of the crises of recent economic history.
» Financial crisis cycle 7 and 40 years

» Cycle of 40...45 years: Why at all? This is the strangest of all cycles. What kind of nonsense? The stupid thing is, it's true? Totally absurd? Is it true or not? The cycle deniers: Good arguments or envy? Read!
» Financial crisis cycle 7 and 40 years

 img  Illusion? (no... underwater fashion show, Florida, 1939) --- (Photo: By Toni_(f) Frissell (1907-1988): Fashion model underwater, Florida, 1939; from Library of Congress)  Illusion? (no... underwater fashion show, Florida, 1939)
» "Cycle 500 Years": Perhaps proven for Northeast Asia is a climate cycle that led to centuries of prosperity or disorder. It's amazing: it fits similarly to Europe and Central America. Or is it all imagination? Judge for yourself. Read the historical facts about this and at which point of the cycle our world civilization should be at present.
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) KCC-CYC5H-EN

» Climate future: Funding truth analysis
(MC:) TER-CLIMF-EN          !EN!    

How to know the future? How to see coming crises?
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  Trusting is good. Good concrete is better.
Trusting is good. Good concrete is better.
» If cycles "are relatively true", then we can see coming crises. Then why can't we prevent them? Paradox? The reasons are:...
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) EYC-PREV-EN

» What is the risk of knowledge? Who knows the true future and says what will come, should be courted? Or beheaded? Historically it was as follows:...
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) KCE-RISK-EN

 img  Those who have a view into the future have a clear advantage.
Those who have a view into the future have a clear advantage.
» The 5 reasons why forecasts of overall economic development of the country can never be correct, and the 5 reasons why they nevertheless make sense.
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) KCC-EXACT-EN

Economic growth: Illusion or real?
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE » Is there any economic growth at all in the industrial nations? Stupid question? After all, the statistics prove growth. - Clever question: Are these statistics correct? - Take Germany, for example: It has supposedly been growing for 30 years.But the freely available parts of the average real income for the same age categories have hardly increased or even decreased. But the freely disposable parts of average real incomes for the same age categories have hardly increased or even decreased. The situation is similar for many industrial nations. Simple conversion models are available for these and many other aspects:
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) KCC-EXACT-EN

» A mini degree of economic growth cannot be reliably measured. Pseudo-forecasts of mini-measures of economic growth: Why are economists willing to specify it?
» Forecasts "Minimal growth": Superfluous
(MC:) VEY-STPSY-EN        DE

 img  ...and all forecasts became nullified.
...and all forecasts became nullified.

» The published growth forecasts are "Expected values based on official statistics and available indicators for change". All economic forecasts are therefore just as incorrect as the balances of the fault and error sum of the sources used.
» Economic growth forecast: Knowing the cycles...

» Forecast of economic growth? 5 fundamental problems why the nice percentages in your daily newspaper can't be right:...
» Economic growth forecast: Knowing the cycles...

» _MENU_: wrong economic statistics
(MC:) EACK-MENU-EN          !EN!          DE      FR

» All statistics are false?
(MC:) EACSTAT-EN          !EN!          DE      FR

» how to reduce poverty
(MC:) VEY-POVE-EN        DE

» Forecasts "Minimal growth": Superfluous
(MC:) VEY-STPSY-EN        DE

» Financial crisis: governmens errors

» health & insurance system
(MC:) VWY-MEDA-EN        DE

» Final notes: Wise sayings of all time about the future and other funny nonsense.
» Economic growth forecast: Knowing the cycles...

 img  Gold donkey resuscitated from DNA. It produces according to plan, see photo.
Gold donkey resuscitated from DNA. It produces according to plan, see photo.
Knowing companys' future - rating agencies
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
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» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

» Rating agencies: How reliable when paid by the client? Why can your gut knowledge be more efficient? And for which aspects aspects less efficient?
» Rating Agencies

» Loss compensation from rating agencies? Expert liability? Stock market losses can be claimed from rating agencies. Under what circumstances with prospects of success?
» Investment loss_compensation: wrong rating.

 img  domesticated capitalism
domesticated capitalism

» All institutions can be reformed at any time. The 5 most important reforms of the concept of rating agencies to be discussed:...
» Rating agencies: Citizens protest.
(MC:) EYKC-RATNOT-EN          EN          !DE!
Energy future?

Unlimited energy: Alternative solutions
Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  limitless heavenly energy - photo from 1902
limitless heavenly energy - photo from 1902
» Comparative overview of all about 10 forms of unlimited energy production proposed so far: Completely without fossil energy sources; and as far as realistically implementable worldwide within about three decades. Illusions are not appropriate. This is not going to happen. But we want to know if and how it could theoretically happen.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TEE-COMPAR-EN

» Energy: Funding truth analysis?
(MC:) TEE-TRUEB-EN          EN          DE      FR

» Climate future: Funding truth analysis
(MC:) TER-CLIMF-EN          !EN!    

» Is solar energy enough for the world's energy needs? (Solar modules, updraft power, etc.) - Is it enough for growing needs? Will solar energy suffice for the prosperity of 10 billion world population? Analysis of examples of potential regions for export: Spain, Sahara, Australia. Variants of the technology and the respective advantages and problems. Costs for installation, maintenance and renewal. Comparison of benefits, drawbacks and costs with other unlimited energy sources: Nuclear energy, geothermal energy.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TEE-SOLARES-EN

 img  and eternally the primal sin lures
and eternally the primal sin lures

» Nuclear energy: an overview of new forms of energy generation that should be risk-free. Opinions and counter-opinions on risks and costs or nuclear energy. Risk analysis for densely populated or sparsely populated regions. Time limits of usability in centuries. When, thanks to new nuclear energy concepts, we finally have "inexhaustible" energy, would this heat the earth in the long run due to expanding energy consumption?
» Nuclear energy: Risk-free?
 img  Without risk, is that possible?
Without risk, is that possible?

» Energy: Funding truth analysis?
(MC:) TEE-TRUEB-EN          EN          DE      FR

» Hydrogene: Old and new technologies for low-loss transport of hydrogene and for low-loss vehicle downtimes. - Hydrogen as energy source for cars and machines: Advantages, disadvantages, costs, dangers and precautions for safety.
X   infos7.org/pp4     (MC:) TEE-HYDROG-EN
 img  Was this electricity generated in an ethically noble way?
Was this electricity generated in an ethically noble way?

Which energy source is optimal?
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» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

» Geothermal energy: Technical possibilities. Advantages, disadvantages, costs. Known and additionally imaginable risks.
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) TEE-GEOTH-EN

 img  Bridge to
Bridge to "infinite" energy?
» Desert Sun: Sufficient energy for all and everything worldwide? Types of technology. Relevant calculation values, costs, yield. Forms of transport. Political risks.
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) TEE-SOLDES-EN

» Most building roofs worldwide as solar roofs: What proportion of the energy need could this way be generated?
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) TEE-SOLTEC-EN

 img  Destroying nature?
Destroying nature?
» Tidal energy and energy of ocean waves: Sufficient as worldwide energy source? Technologies, costs, transport.
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) TEE-OCEANR-EN

Digital dictatorship: Control of all activity?
Will human freedom soon end worldwide?

Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:

» finally knowing the future
(MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN          !EN!          DE

 img  Freedom rights become an hollow empty shell?
Freedom rights become an hollow empty shell?
» Are we irreversibly on the road to totalitarianism worldwide? For about 250 years, technological progress has brought citizens more and more freedoms. Since about 2010, all has been suddenly and disconcertingly fast moving toward total citizen control, driven by computer performance and the Internet. Until now, technical progress effects have been pro-liberal, but are now becoming anti-liberal. The 10 most important ways all citizens can take countermeasures for their right to freedom:
X   volxweb.org/pp4     (MC:) VAB-TOTNE-EN

» _Menu_: UNOLIB against censorship
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(MC:) PEV-TTMZP-EN        DE

(MC:) PEV-TTMWE-EN        DE

 img  Your government only wants your best!
Your government only wants your best!
» Money Laundering Control: Unplanned embryo of a future global interlocked blockchain for total control of citizens' assets of the Earth? Are exaggerated cash payment prohibitions from amount X++ the beginning of a general cash payment prohibition? Is a complete ban on cash an inevitably a total control? Is state total control necessarily a totalitarian regime? Answers:
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 img  Who should protect  from crime?
Who should protect from crime?
» To what extent may the legal system privatize penal law enforcement? Examples: Consumer protection associations. Audit requirements and filters for uploads by social networks and forums. Media censorship? Control of suspected money laundering by banks, notaries, tax consultants, estate agents, gold sellers, art dealers. Transfer of sovereign rights to private security services. Parental rights. Church asylum. Courts of religious communities. Lawyer's monopoly of legal advice with limits of confidentiality. Limits of confidentiality for doctors and church representatives - Overview of advantages, disadvantages, risks, alternatives:
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(MC:) PEV-TTMWK-EN        DE

» Does the Internet need government censorship? Or is criminal law against all the really bad things on the Internet enough? This is largely the case. Here the legal instruments are listed: Against insult, hate and threat In texts and commentaries. This also helps against political ideological blindness, as far as it is forbidden in the country concerned with justified reason. Such procedures are even applicable against "likes" for forbidden things. The legal situation is now similar for most countries. The basic legal tools and procedures are described here. Anyone can use them:
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Privacy, copyright
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» finally knowing the future
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 img  Well camouflaged is half escaped.
Well camouflaged is half escaped.
» Privacy - the Intimate area for human dignity: The beginning millennium problem. We are experiencing a singularity in the history of civilization. For the first time it is technically possible to permanently store all data of a human being and all his utterances from birth to the end of his life. Do we want to set limits? Can we do it? If we cannot limit it, what does this mean for the future of being human? Here are the answers:...
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 img  Copyright with no future?
Copyright with no future?
» Copyright and media legislation. Text, images, videos. - The protection of the copyright in the today's sense originated only about 1700 to 1900. Is there starting from about 2030 again dismantling? Will there be money through prestige and events and a modern patronage of donations like once? Will sales, fees and licenses be dropped? Do new technologies now create new facts so that copyrights can no longer be enforced in reality? Answers:...
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"Deep Thinking":

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     ▲ VAE-STUDAT 10€=$ PDF_A4 +12moths

"Archetypes" =avail. (English, German)
     ▲ KBA-ARCAT 10€=$ PDF_A4 +12moths

"Centen." =avail. (German, soon also English)
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"SPHINX" =available: (English, German)
     ▲ KKS-CLASBASAT 10€=$ PDF_A4 +12moths

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About the e-books:
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